

1.John Rist著的 Augustine 

2 Sandra Lee Dixon著的 Augustine 

3 The Confessions of Aurelius Augustine 


4 Augustine著的The City of God 

5 Henry Wace和William Piercy合著的A Dictio-nary of Early Christian Biography 

6 Warren Thomas Smith著的 Augustine 

7 Randy Peteren著的Augustine's Life and Times 

8. Robert Payne著的Augustine:The Sensualist 

9 Raymond Brown著的Four Spiritual Giants 

10 章文新(Francis Jones)主编的《奥古斯丁选集》 

11 Adolf Harnack著的 History of Dogma 

12 Mary Clark著的 Augustine 

13 Benedict Groeschel著的 Augustine 

14 Nick Needham著的Triumph of Grace 

15 Peter Brown著的Augustine of Hippo 

16 Gerald Bonner著的Augustine of Hippo
关于作者 未注明-奥古斯丁小传